3D Design for 3D Printers
3D Design - Tinkercad - Free, Web-based (no download needed), very simple to learn
Lulzbot 3D Printers
Thingiverse - Pre-made 3D printer files that can be downloaded and printed
Lulzbot 3D Printers
Thingiverse - Pre-made 3D printer files that can be downloaded and printed
3D Hologram Viewer and Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Viewer |

3d_hologram_template.pdf | |
File Size: | 287 kb |
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3D Filament
Great information about the different types of filament and how to work with them from Matter Hackers: http://www.matterhackers.com/articles/how-to-succeed-when-printing-in-pla
Other Prototyping Materials
This page has some great information on using clays and other materials to prototype: http://makingsociety.com/2014/03/modelling-clay-moldable-plastic-for-prototyping/